[DissKoll] DissKoll, 17. Jänner, 17:15 Christoph Waldner

Clemens Hanel clemens.hanel at univie.ac.at
Fri Jan 11 12:48:07 CET 2008

Liebe Besucherinnen und Besucher des Dissertantenkolloquiums!

Am Donnerstag den 17. Jänner findet der nächste Vortrag im Rahmen des  
Dissertantenkolloquiums in diesem Semester statt. Christoph Waldner  
spricht über "Cycles and cohomology of arithmetic subgroups of $G_2$".

Zusammenfassung (in Englisch): This talk is an introduction into the  
cohomology of arithmetic groups, in particular into some technics of  
constructing of, so called, (special) cycles in a compact locally  
symmetric space. Such cycles represent (sometimes) non-trivial  
(co)homology classes. To prove the non-triviality one could study  
there intersection numbers. If time is left, I will explain some  
results in the case $G_2$.

Donnerstag, 17. Jänner 2008, 17:15, Seminarraum C 2.09
Kaffee und Kuchen ab 17:00 im Common Room C 2.06

Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen,

Christoph Waldner
Clemens Hanel
Herwig Spornberger

Das weitere Programm fuer dieses Semester findet ihr auf http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~disskoll/


Dear visitors of the Dissertantenkolloquium,

The next talk at the Dissertantenkolloquium will be on Thursday the  
17th of January. Christoph Waldner will be talking on "Cycles and  
cohomology of arithmetic subgroups of $G_2$".

Abstract: This talk is an introduction into the cohomology of  
arithmetic groups, in particular into some technics of constructing  
of, so called, (special) cycles in a compact locally symmetric space.  
Such cycles represent (sometimes) non-trivial (co)homology classes. To  
prove the non-triviality one could study there intersection numbers.  
If time is left, I will explain some results in the case $G_2$.

Thursday, 17th of January 2008, 17:15, Seminar-Room C 2.09
Coffee and cakes served from 17:00 in the Common Room C 2.06

We are looking forward to your attendance,

Christoph Waldner
Clemens Hanel
Herwig Spornberger

An overview on the upcoming talks can be found at http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~disskoll/

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