[DissKoll] DissKoll, May 12, 17:15, Evelina Erlacher

Christof Obertscheider christof.obertscheider at univie.ac.at
Wed May 4 12:13:07 CEST 2005

Dear colleagues,

On Thursday, May 12, 17:15, Evelina Erlacher will give a talk on "An 
Inverse Function Theorem for Generalized Functions" in Seminarraum C 2.09 
(1090 Wien, Nordbergstrasse 15).

We will meet at 17:00, drinks and cookies will be available.

Hope you have time to join us!

Johanna Michor
Christof Obertscheider

There is one additional lecture in June, therefore here the schedule for 
May and June:
May 12, Evelina Erlacher
May 19, Johanna Michor
June 2, Franz Luef
June 9, Katja Sagerschnig
June 16, Kristan Schneider
(each lecture begins at 17:15 in Seminarraum C 2.09)

For details see http://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~jmichor/disskoll.html

MMag. Christof Obertscheider
eMail: christof.obertscheider at univie.ac.at
web: http://www.obertscheider.com
tel: +43-676-6129414
addr: Leidesdorfgasse 11-13/1/10, A-1190 Vienna

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